On 9/15/06, Reshat Sabiq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Fernando Apesteguía yazmış:
> > To check the application, I just install my application and then
> > overwrote the es_ES translation and write the ur one. So my app. run
> > with that translation file. Is this the problem?
> Yes, my guess it should work if you set your locale to Urdu or Arabic or
> Persian.   It might even work if you set it to Hebrew.

So, if I want to test the translations, which is the stablished
procedure? Sometimes my translators can't install the application (and
sometimes even they use only Windows...).

I suppose that is better if they could install the application and
then check the translation cause their locales should be properly set
up. Is it too risky if we consider that the template is ok execpt that
issues (splitted words) that will be fixed in an Urdu ready system
(with required locales and fonts)?

> Only those locales probably make right-to-left kick in.
> HTH,
> Reshat.

Thanks in advance

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