On 9/5/06, Jason D. Clinton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We have released gnome-games 2.16 and branched for 2.17.

Thanks for the notice, translation status pages should reflect the new
branch with the next update.

And please notify gnome-i18n and gnome-doc-list lists as well, they
also need to know when a cvs module is branched.


> Here is the NEWS file for this release:
> gnome-games 2.16.0
> ==================
> Updated translations:
>         * Turkish: Baris Cicek
>         * Estonian: Ivar Smolin.
>         * Bengali: Runa Bhattacharjee
>         * Chinese (Hong Kong): Woodman Tuen
>         * Chinese (Taiwan): Woodman Tuen
>         * Marathi: Rahul Bhalerao.
>         * Malayalam: Ani Peter
>         * Ukrainian: Maxim Dziumanenko
>         * Hindi: Rajesh Ranjan
>         * Hungarian: Gabor Kelemen
>         * Portuguese: Duarte Loreto
>         * Latvian: Raivis Dejus
>         * Oriya: Subhransu Behera
>         * Lithuanian: Gintautas Miliauskas
>         * Thai: Theppitak Karoonboonyanan
>         * Catalan: Gil Forcada
> Known issues:
>       * Rasterizing the Mahjongg and Aisleriot playing field takes too
>         long with the current SVG code paths. We, in cooperation with
>         the Cairo team, hope to optimize this rendering speed during the
>         maintenance of the 2.16 series.
> _______________________________________________
> Games-list mailing list
> Games-list@gnome.org
> http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/games-list

Abel Cheung   (GPG Key: 0xC67186FF)
Key fingerprint: 671C C7AE EFB5 110C D6D1  41EE 4152 E1F1 C671 86FF
* GNOME Hong Kong - http://www.gnome.hk/
* Opensource Application Knowledge Assoc. - http://oaka.org/
* My own cave: http://me.abelcheung.org/
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