
On Sun, 2006-07-30 at 19:45 +0800, Mustapha Abubakar wrote:
> Hello G-NOME family. I wish to join the documentation team and also the 
> translation team please I need friends to put me through.
>   Thanks 

Welcome!  I'm adding the internationalisation team to the email reply.
They should be able to help you get started on translating.

For the doc side, do you know what you want to work on?  If so, if you
tell us (on this list), we can help you out in getting started.

If not, I'm sure others can suggest what you can help out with.  There
is also the documentation project website at:
which has suggestions and help on getting started. There is also a list
of tasks in need of work at:

It might also be useful to drop by and say hello on IRC (irc.gimp.org,
channel #docs).  You'll find people there that can help you get started
and help with any problems you encounter.


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