Thanks for the info. I believe the best practice approach outlined by
Christian will work well. Always good to get into the habit of a hard
string freeze, especially if we ever want to be included with GNOME.


On 7/5/06, Christian Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/5/06, Peter Parente <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I notice translators have started adding translations for the LSR
> > project. Thank you for your support!
> >
> > I have a question about string stability. LSR is under heavy
> > development right now as we push toward our 0.3.0 release. As a
> > result, the translatable strings are likely to change during this
> > period.
> >
> > What is the proper etiquette for changing translatable strings such
> > that the early work of translators isn't rendered obsolete? Is it OK
> > to change strings now and then declare a string freeze a couple weeks
> > before release? Should I announce string freezes on this list?
> That's up to you to decide really -- as long as LSR is not part of the
> official GNOME release, having string stability and string freezes for
> the project is completely voluntary. For software included with the
> official GNOME release, we are *very* picky about release-wide string
> freezes and such, but as for now, you do what you feel is best.
> As a consequence, there is no real policy or requirement for this for
> non-core modules. Some non-core module maintainers announce if and
> when they add a string freeze and when the release is planned to be
> made, and other maintainers simply don't announce anything.
> Perhaps some sort of "best practice" would be to announce a voluntary
> string freeze on the gnome-i18n list when you are about to make an
> important release, and let the translators know how much time they
> have to do their thing. Please give the translators a time frame of a
> week or at least a couple of days, though.
> Thanks,
> Christian
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