I dont think we are the right authority to decide among ourselves who will be next Marathi l10n coordinator (If at all present coordinator is voluntarily leaving). So the tone should be requesting rather than announcing.
Let Christian and others comment on this.
On 6/30/06, Rahul Bhalerao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
I'm glad to declare that we have agreed on one coordinator for Marathi, i.e.
the senior member of the team, Swapnil Hazare.
I hope to see the coordinatorship be assigned to Swapnil and
the work to resume asap.
Although I'm not volunteering for coordinatorship, I would still like to request
for the CVS account, which I hope Swapnil would approve soon.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Swapnil Hajare < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Jun 30, 2006 4:08 PM
Subject: Re: Would you like to be the coordinator?
To: Rahul Bhalerao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dear Rahul,
yes I am ready to take up the coordination. I also see no problem in granting you CVS account asap. Lets work together and see Marathi GNOME complete as soon as possible.
cheersOn 6/30/06, Rahul Bhalerao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi Swapnil,
Since no one can continue the work on Gnome translations for Marathi
untill the coordinator issue is solved, I would like to fix it first.
Since you have been working on this project and you being a senior person,
I would like to see you as a coordinator. So if you have enough time
to take the responsibility, please confirm to me asap, so that I can withdraw
my claim publically on the gnome-i18n list.
Though the coordinatorship has never been my focus, I would like to
ask your help in getting me a CVS account.
--Swapnil Hajare
Swapnil Hajare
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