Hi I have been searching information about quality assurance and control in the localization processes, mostly reading about LISA QA and QA Matrix at Sun. I would like to know if there are more GNOME translators and developers interested about how to improve our different translation teams, from the point of view of applications and organization.
Now I'm writing a guide for Spanish team, but some parts of this guide could be useful for other teams, so I'm planning to rewrite that parts in English. I am using some Sun and LISA documents as starting point, but I would like to have more information about procedures at Novell about localization. People interested about this research for GNOME and libre software in general, please mail me. Cheers! _______________________________________________ gnome-i18n mailing list gnome-i18n@gnome.org http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome-i18n