On 4:53:32 pm 06/22/06 "Christian Rose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gora, would you be prepared to accept Muhammad Waqas Alam
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> as a new GNOME Urdu Team coordinator and be
> prepared to work with him in his team, or are you volunteering for the
> coordinator position yourself?

We are happy to have him work as the GNOME Urdu Team coordinator as
we are not able to find someone willing to commit time to that. We
would just like to be involved in the work. If Muhammad needs some
help with the initial CVS commits, I would also be glad to do that,
but I cannot volunteer to serve as the Urdu coordinator over the
longer term, due to a lack of time. Sorry that my meaning was not
clear initially.


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