Adding a few relevant details :

1. The request for the freeze break is on Evolution 2.6 branch
2. It is already available in the trunk.

Correct me if I am wrong.

On Mon, 2006-06-12 at 04:39 -0400, Sankar(P Sankar) wrote:
> Hi,
> As part of fixing for
> Evolution, I have made a patch, which breaks the string-freeze by adding
> a new string. If this is not committed, the user will be annoyed to see
> nothing being happened after his action (proxy-login). I request to
> review and approve this string-addition.
> The new string added is:
> Proxy login as &quot;<SOME_DYNAMIC_ARGUMENT>&quot; was unsuccessful.
> Please check Email Id and try again.
> Thanks,
> Sankar
> P.S: Please CC me in the replies.

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