
> Gintautas, welcome as the new coordinator!  If you need any help, feel
> free to ask around gnome-i18n@gnome.org or #i18n channel on GimpNet
> (irc.gnome.org).

Thanks a lot for the offer, I am sure that I will have a few questions.

For starters, would it be possible to have a mailing list for
Lithuanian GNOME translators on the GNOME servers?  It should not be too
much of a strain and that would probably be much more reliable than
anything I can get my hands on.

> Please let me know of your Bugzilla account (or even better, set up
> one for your mailing list) as soon as possible!

You can use my standard bugzilla account ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for now. I
plan to switch to a mailing list in the near future.

I need to get a CVS account, right?  I have already sent an e-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (ticket #1200).  I understood that this might take a

Gintautas Miliauskas

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