Em Dom, 2006-05-28 às 15:51 +0300, Raivis Dejus escreveu:
> A while ago I applied for an CVS access, but so far nothing has happened...

Before this becomes a thread, it had not been long since the filing of
the ticket, and it has been dealt with this morning.

> I'm writting to speed this up a bit, because we have given some of our
> students parts of gnome to translate and now I have a bunch of .po
> files to commit..

There is no e-mail address you can mail to get things sped up,
particularly gnome-i18n, to which most of the people involved with
account management are not even subscribed.

> could anybony from Gnome Sysadmin team take a look at my application?

We look into them when there is time, and there is a FIFO queue.

Guilherme de S. Pastore

gnome-i18n mailing list

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