OK, I've added your
name and e-mail address to the teams page at
Please verify that these listings are correct.
You're now officially the GNOME Esperanto coordinator in the GNOME
Translation Project.

Everything is correct.

Other than that, please ask around on this mailing list or at the IRC
channel #i18n on irc.gnome.org if you need help getting started. An
introduction to the translation process can be found at

A few last questions before closing this thread and starting a new one.

I have noticed that some people send their translated po files to this mailing list. I will probably do the same for the first translations that I will want committed (there is already one file entering the reviewing stage).

But it seems that it would be more comfortable to get a CVS account so that I may commit translations myself.
Is it reasonable at this stage to apply for a CVS account ?
(I am already a CVS and SVN user, and I have read the translation-related documentation)
And to whom should I send the request ?



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