O/H Clytie Siddall έγραψε:
On 23/02/2006, at 1:21 AM, Roozbeh Pournader wrote:
روز چهارشنبه، 2006-02-22 ساعت 16:54 +1030، Clytie Siddall نوشت:
What do you guys think? If we could release Gentium and maybe Doulos
with distros, our users have effective, true Unicode fonts which will
display all localizations.
Gentium, Doulos, and Charis are already available in Fedora, in packages
named "gentium-fonts", "doulos-fonts", and "charis-fonts". All three are
currently available for Fedora Core 5 test versions, while at the
present moment only gentium-fonts is available for Fedora Core 4 (Charis
and Doulos will be available in a few days).
For example, to install the Gentium on Fedora, one can simply type:
# yum install gentium-fonts
This is interesting to hear, Roozbeh, thankyou, because on the
debian-i18n list, where I also brought up this topic, I was told
somewhat forcibly that the OFL doesn't allow distribution. MJ Ray said:
Last I heard, the Open Font Licence got its name change clause
(clause 3) wrong and prevents people making API-compatible
new fonts based on OFL'd ones (that is, derived works cannot
be drop-in replacements for an original). It goes far further
in this restriction than the Bitstream Vera fonts, for example.
The Bitstream Vera README tells you how to include a local.conf
file to be a drop-in replacement, but that seems forbidden
for OFL'd packages.
The OFL FAQ claims it follows the DFSG, but DDs disagree. See
for example. Please do not upload OFL'd fonts to main for now.
Not that I was going to upload anything, but you get the gist.
Hi Clytie,
That is strange. Mr Ray said earlier,
I have been following the progress of the OFL through "debian-legal",
the mailing list that is supposed to make sure whether a package goes to
main or to non-free.
This list appears to be a bunch of individuals that make their own
interpretation of licenses.
They are so unproductive that when someone tells them, "here is our
draft license, please comment",
they 1) avoid any constructive criticism, 2) wait until after the draft
period has passed.
They become very protective against the criticism and tend deem anything
as non-free, even if
the FSF thinks they are ok. Oh, the GFDL is "not free" either.
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