Danilo ?egan იწერება:
Hi Vladimer,
Ok, we haven't heard from Aiet yet, and he's lost his chance now, so I
am appointing you as the new Georgian coordinator: welcome! Please
check that the listing at
is correct (if you have a team page, be sure to URL as well).
I've also sent a mail in private to you with a request for Bugzilla
details. Bugzilla is our bug tracker that we use for tracking bug
reports in software, and, in this case also translations. Please reply
to that mail as soon as possible.
Other than that, please ask around on this mailing list or at the IRC
channel #i18n on irc.gnome.org if you need help getting started. An
introduction to the translation process can be found at
We expect you first to contribute a couple of translations before
you'll get your own CVS account: ask people around #i18n on IRC or on
this list to commit translations for you before you get an account.
There is almost a month till the release now, and we are in string
freeze, so I suggest you work on Gnome 2.14 branch:
Good news :)
here is our (GIA community) pre-contribution:
some preliminary engine for Gnome g13n (georgianization) LOCAL
development - http://www.gia.ge/index.php?pid=47
and full translation of 6 files (more than 2,000 strings) from
developer-libs - http://www.gia.ge/index.php?pid=50
atk, at-spi, gail, glib, gtk+, gtk+-properties
others (i hope) coming soon.
I still hope you'll be able to make use of all the work Aiet did here:
For now and here there is no more reason to explain what was there.
gnome-i18n mailing list