Hi Gnome-i18n,

The "iso-codes" project on the debian CVS server 
http://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-isocodes aims to provide translations 
of country names and currency names. Since I need exactly that for gnucash 
http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=118391 I checked it out, and I 
found the German translation in a not-so-good shape. Therefore I proofread 
and updated the German translation of countries and currencies. 

However, I couldn't contact the maintainer of the iso-codes project; the email 
timed out. On IRC someone suggested to send the updates here, and I hope 
someone might be able to submit it to that project. Attached you find both a 
gzipd patch against the current CVS, and both po files as full files in a 

Christian Stimming

Attachment: iso-codes_de.patch.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: iso-codes_de.tgz
Description: application/tgz

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