Hi folks!

This message is to warn you that you have work to do (although everybody
here loves to work, so that should not be an issue ;-).

Ok, seriously now, since the release of GNOME 2.13.4 we have entered the
string change announcement period, which means I should warn you when
strings change, so I'm doing it for gnome-terminal now.

I have added a little description for it in the about dialogue, should
not be hard to translate. However, gnome-terminal had been somewhat
unmaintained for some time, so although I will try to concentrate on
fixing actual bugs that annoy everyone, you can probably expect more
string changes until the release of 2.14, either as fixes or as UI


[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Guilherme de S. Pastore
http://www.gnome.org/ * http://gnome-br.sf.net/

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