On 10/26/05, Bastien Nocera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can I move a function to another file without breaking the translations?
> Can I remove the use of a particular string and replace it with an
> already translated string without using breaking translations?

Christian, Danilo: Could we get a clarified version of
up somewhere?  I was going to answer Bastien's question using that
email (which is linked to from the freeze-break-request-approval page
now), but that email doesn't have enough info to answer the first of
the two questions.  Maybe we need to make that more prominent somehow

> I wasn't asking for the reason why. I didn't even know that there was a
> string freeze *after* the .0 releases. And I'm pretty sure I broke it in
> the past for some other modules, and didn't get told anything.

Is there some way the release-team could send out this message better?
 The *only* freeze that ends after the .0 release is the hard-code
freeze, but if you weren't aware of that fact, then many others aren't

And yes, we definitely don't have an easy way to enforce all the
freezes and probably have lots of people slipping through the cracks,
which probably makes it worse when we do catch people because they
thought all along that they were just doing what they've always done. 
Sorry about that.

Thanks for all your awesome work on Totem, Bastien.

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