2005/10/12, Albert Fazlí <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Cordinator's name: Albert Fazlí
> Cordinator's email: tatarish.l10n @ gmail.com
> Team's site: http://soft.beznen.net/

Support for Tatar (tt) is most welcome in GNOME. I've added your name
and e-mail address to the teams page at
http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gtp/teams.html now. Please verify
that this listing is correct.

I'll also send a mail in private to you with a request for bugzilla
details. Please reply to that mail as soon as possible.

Other than that, please ask around on this mailing list or at the IRC
channel #i18n on irc.gnome.org if you need help getting started. An
introduction to the translation process can be found at

For a new team, starting with translating GNOME 2.13, that will soon
(see the time scheme at http://live.gnome.org/TwoPointThirteen) become
GNOME 2.14, is the best thing to do right now. You can find a list of
included software at
under the "desktop" and "developer-libs" sections. Those are the
things to translate for full support of the official GNOME release.
You'll get your own status pages for Tatar (tt) as soon as the first
tt.po is put into GNOME CVS.

Once you have translated some of these pot files, you can send the
resulting po files to someone with cvs access and they can try to put
them into cvs for you. Just
make sure that the files pass the "msgfmt -cv tt.po" test, that they
are encoded in UTF-8, and that you compress them using gzip before
attaching them to the mail.
If you are having trouble finding someone that can commit the files
for you, try asking on the #i18n IRC channel, or on this list.

Once you've contributed a few translations this way, we can arrange a
cvs account for you, so that you can put translations directly into
cvs later on.

Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions!

Thanks, and welcome,

gnome-i18n mailing list

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