First of all, thanks a lot.

On Tue, 2005-10-11 at 17:30 +0200, Denis Jacquerye wrote:
> You could maybe include the International days observed by the UN?
> They are not public holidays at all, but they could be useful.

I'm not interested in occasions really. Just public holidays.

> I don't think is acurate either

No, it's not. Using an example I can confirm, Iranian holidays in 2005,
it gives wrong dates for 10 of the holidays and misses 9 others.

> papers from

Tried that, but it unfortunately doesn't give much that is not already
in Reingold and Dershowitz's Calendrical Calculations: The Millenium
Edition. The book is mostly about calendars, possibly the best existing
source on them, but it does not contain much useful information about
public holidays.


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