Hi Clytie,

Today at 10:00, Clytie Siddall wrote:

> I noticed these, while updating my release-notes translation
> yesterday; hope they're useful.

I found some of them too, meaning that I won't approve fixing them now ;-)

Look at docbook/sr/sr.po and search for "# bug:" comments

> 4.
> #: /tmp/doc-l10n/cvs/release-notes.HEAD/C/rndevelopers.xml:54(para)
> msgid "The GTK+ library is already popular among developers who need
> to support multiple platforms, including Microsoft Windows as well as
> Linux and UNIX. For instance, artists may edit their images using
> GIMP and Inkscape on either Linux or Windows."
> Do we need to put ™ marks after these products?

Not worth the trouble, IMHO.

> 6.
> If we're in string freeze for this doc., why does it still have a TODO?

We forgot to remove that from DOC_INCLUDES, since that entire section
needs no translation (that :include directive is commented out).  I
removed it now, sorry for the trouble and extra work caused by this :(

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