I ran into some problems while testing some translations and hope you
can help me.
I am trying to make Kurdish localized versions of the GTK+ strings
appear on my computer. I used the "normal" tactics for that, but did not
1. I downloaded the po-file of the HEAD branch of GTK+
2. I translated some hundred strings and compiled a mo-file
3. I copied the file to the /usr/share/locale/xx/LC_MESSAGE directories
(xx=de and ku, for all installed locales)
4. I opened some GTK applications under IceWM, XFCE and GNOME
But the result was not good. My previous German localization was gone,
and no Kurdish appeared. Instead GTK fell back to the "en" locale.
Where did I go wrong? Did I use the wrong po-file? Is something else
necessary? Is there a problem with an unsupported locale?
(I use belocs-locales for Kurdish on an Ubuntu 5.04 system)
I would be glad If someone would help.
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