Hi Carlos,

Today at 18:45, Carlos Garcia Campos wrote:

> My apologies, I broke the string freeze in this evince commit:
> http://cvs.gnome.org/viewcvs/evince/ps/ps-document.c?r1=1.55&r2=1.56

Nice that you reported it yourself.  Can you now tell us why is
introducing these three strings

"Error while decompressing file\n"
"Cannot open file.\n"
"Failed to load document"

actually necessary and important at this stage of the game?

They are used only if g_locale_to_utf8 fails to convert filename to
UTF-8 for display purposes, right?  (you can reuse the same string
with something like g_strdup_printf(_("Cannot open file: %s\n"), "?")
until string freeze ends.)

Can you please revert these string additions or please provide more
evidence to why is this really beneficial.  Thanks.

> I wanted to commit ASAP because of the evince release and I forgot that
> it changed some strings. sorry. 

Regarding recent "when freeze actually begins"[1] thread, are you
saying that this is about a release done for the Beta2?  Beta2 was
already announced on August 11th, and the patch was committed only on
August 16th.


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