On จ., 2005-07-25 at 12:21 +0300, Alexander Shopov wrote:
> Hi guys,
> cvs-po-commits-list continues to be broken.
> Check here:
> http://mail.gnome.org/archives/cvs-po-commits-list/2005-July/date.html
> Who do I have to contact about this?
> Best regards:
> al_shopov

Looks like I fixed it, then broke it again turning the po commits
checking on yesterday. Bloody 'commitinfo' file :( Bloody CVS.

Anyway, I've never been that happy with the way the cvs-po-commits-list
worked, it was only meant to be a five-minute hack to solve a problem
that someone came up with on the list. How about we do something a bit
more intelligent?

My first thoughts are to build on the 'check-po-commit.sh' script so
that it identified the po file being updated *and* the module it is
being updated in. We can then (using some kind of lookup tables, or mail
aliasing scheme) look up the translation team for that language, and the
maintainer of the module, and fire off a brief e-mail with a subject of
'module/po/xx.po file changed by <cvslogin>' and a patch attached.
Should be achievable with some basic shell scripts, or it might be worth
re-coding it in python/perl or something.

Thoughts? Ideas? Offers of help? :)


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