lör 2005-07-23 klockan 06:21 +0545 skrev Pawan Chitrakar:
> hi!
> i have been working with the Nepali team to translate gnome into
> nepali and we have done much of the work ....
> and we would like to get some advice on change of string when will it
> be freezed for next release.

See http://live.gnome.org/ReleasePlanning/TwoPointEleven for the release
schedule. As seen on that page, string freeze will he happening in the
middle of August (it says the string freeze starts on August 8th, but
usually some late patches still require string changes, so don't expect
everything to be frozen until some weeks later).

As the release will happen at the beginning of September, translations
should have been committed to CVS at the end of August to ensure that
they will be included in the release.


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