On Sat, 16 Jul 2005 14:01:06 +0930, Clytie Siddall wrote:
> I am translating these templates because nobody else will do it.
> I am currently the _only_ active Vietnamese translator in Gnome or  
> Debian. I am trying to change that. <...>

I have no doubt in your motivation and can only congratulate you for your
tremendous efforts.

> I certainly hope none of my translations are a mess, which I also  
> hope is not what you are implying. 

You got me wrong; probably it is my fault that I haven't expressed myself
correctly.  I am not saying that vi translations are a mess, neither I was
implying similar analogy.  Perfectly documented/commented templates will
be awesome, but testing the translation is a must, at least in my
language.  Maybe I should have said it in another way, maybe it is my
personal judgement as I never translate apps that I don't understand and
haven't actually seen.
I am currently investigating the pointers that Danilo gave.  If we can
extract useful information without bothering the developers, it'll be a
big win for all translation teams.

>> Most of the code is very well commented,
> No, it's not. Certainly not in the files I've translated. Most of it  
> is completely bare of comments.

I meant the source code.  I have to agree with Danilo that looking at the
source code is a waste of time and certainly not the most pleasant job for
a translator.

> Your email is extremely inappropriate in my culture. I fail to see  
> where making these kinds of insinuations is at all useful, or  
> positive in contributing to this i18n list.

Once again I apologise and regret that you have treated it as an insult.
As the string freeze approaches, I will shut up and try to concentrate on
translations, rather than writing useless messages that abuse people.
However, I won't change my attitude to proprietary software.

Yavor Doganov                   JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Free Software Association - Bulgaria           http://fsa-bg.org
GNOME in Bulgarian!                         http://gnome.cult.bg

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