On Tue, 5 Jul 2005, Johan Svedberg wrote:

> Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2005 21:10:56 +0200
> From: Johan Svedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: gnome-i18n@gnome.org
> Subject: New module: ontv
> Hi, all
> Just to let you know there's a new module in CVS ready for translation.
> OnTV is a GNOME Applet for monitoring current and upcoming TV
> programmes.

In the existing .po translation files the strings I notice strings for
About, Preferences.  You could help make the translation work easier for
us and get "free" translation into many languages by using the GTK stock
items for these and other items whenever possible.

I also see some markup tags in your po file.  I'm no expert on this but I
believe there is some recommendation about keeping markup out of the
translations files, particularly when the markup applies to the whole
string rather than say one word in the middle of a text (and this can
potentially save having to translated two different marked up versions of
the same string). I'm not sure the use of the markup follows the HIG in
some cases.  According to the current version of the HIG Tab headers
should not include mnemonics as it si all to easy to accidentally end up
with conflicts and they are not really needed as there are already other
ways provided to switch tabs (for example: _Current Programmes clashes
with _Channels and _Close).

(Something about your use of N/A doesn't seem right.  Maybe it is my
dislike of indecipherable Acronyms and Abbreviations but I'm not sure if
there is a standard convetion for this sort of thing in Gnome, like maybe
using the label "None".)

I will probably have more feedback for you as I take a closer look at OnTV
but it looks like an Applet I might actually want to use (that's a


Alan Horkan

P.S. Entertainment Now, good show isn't it.  ;)
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