I hope that most of you know that GNOME translators, as well as any
other GNOME contributors, can become members in the GNOME Foundation
(http://foundation.gnome.org/). The GNOME Foundation is the democratic
body behind many of the administrative functions of the GNOME Project,
such as sponsorship issues, branding issues, conference organization,
etc. You can read more about what the Foundation does do and doesn't do
at the Foundation web site.

Becoming a member of the GNOME Foundation¹ not only allows you to vote
in the election for the Foundation board, it also gives you the
oppurtunity to get an ultra-cool @gnome.org e-mail alias².

There are currently about 66 members in the GNOME Foundation who have
listed translations as their contributions. I think there ought to be
many more translators that are interested in becoming members of the
GNOME Foundation.
So, if you've contributed translations to GNOME, and if you care about
GNOME, then you should apply¹ for GNOME Foundation membership today!

¹ http://foundation.gnome.org/membership/
² http://developer.gnome.org/doc/policies/accounts/


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