Pablo> Do you have already a Uighur keyboard layout? 
In Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, people are using the same keyboard
as in other provinces of China - US. Don't know about other countries.

Pablo> Also, do you know of a freely distributable font including needed uighur
Pablo> letters; or even a freely usable (eg, one that while not being freely
Pablo> distributable I can find and use) that has them?
GB18030-2000 covers Uighur. So, any fonts covers GB18030-2000 would be
fine. Red Hat provides ZhongYi, and Novell/SUSE provides FounderFonts. Both
of them are commercial fonts, but can be used freely by the users of
those operating systems. AFAIK, there might be somebody who was creating
free fonts of Uighur, which was expected to be released under BSD

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