On Fri, 2005-03-04 at 00:40 +0100, Danilo Åegan wrote:
> Hi Luis, Murray,
> Today at 21:26, Luis Villa wrote:
> > http://cvs.gnome.org/viewcvs/releng/2.x/2.10rnotes/press_release/gnome210_press_release.sxw?rev=1.7&view=auto
> Nice! :)
> > Thanks- please email murry and I if there are any questions (I'm sure
> > there will be, I'm rushed and in a crappy mood so I'm sure I forgot
> > something obvious...)
> Any particular reason to use Arial for the font? (I don't have it
> installed, so I've tested with "Nimbus Sans L", which should be
> another Helvetica derivative, at least when it comes to metrics.)  As
> for the looks, I prefer CMU Sans Serif even more (from Computer Modern
> Unicode set of fonts).

Just as long as it can  be read somehow by the press when they get it.
Depending on your local press systems or contacts, you might need to
convert to some other format anyway.

It's not meant to be a pretty layout - it's just a way to get the plain
text to the press so that they can put it in their own publications.

> Also, would it be ok to give a local touch to the press release by
> putting something like "Belgrade, Serbia" instead of "Boston,
> Massachusets" in the first paragraph? :)

Well, the GNOME Foundation is registered in Boston. I would prefer not
to change this unless you have a local foundation. And then I would
mention both.
Murray Cumming

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