Am Donnerstag, den 17.02.2005, 19:31 +0200 schrieb Alexander Shopov:
> Dear Shaun,
> Please write a *lot* more comments in the xsl files.
> Translators do not usually know how to make xsl templates.
> By looking at the files in the po directory, you will see how many, 
> many, many mistakes there are in the po-files in almost all languages.
> I will also advice that all translatable things in the xsl file be 
> either oneliners or full templates, *not* parts of templates.
> Best regards:
> al_shopov

Thanks for notice, Alexander. I have another one for those who don't
know about it. There's already a useful resource of translated docbook
terminology. Perhaps it's somewhere on your machine:

The package "docbook-xsl" contains a directory called "common" with
translations of docbook terms and styles.

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