mån 2005-02-07 klockan 13:57 +0100 skrev Christian Rose: > lör 2005-02-05 klockan 20:59 +0800 skrev Funda Wang: > > > Anyone has the time to look into it (look for yellow bars in languages > > > which have few translations on status pages)? > > > > I've just modified translation-status.xml, evolution series including > > gal should be fine now. Of course, when the next status pages be updated. > > Thanks for the help! However, when you do modify translation-status.xml > in the future, please do update the ChangeLog as well. But thanks much > for fixing this problem!
Again, Funda, *please* remember to update the ChangeLog! It seems there was yet another update by you without a corresponding ChangeLog entry. Christian _______________________________________________ gnome-i18n mailing list gnome-i18n@gnome.org http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome-i18n