Hello all,
The current version of Accerciser was release on 2016 and are not longer
usable on recent system due to iPython5 migration. On Debian, we've
specific patches applied to avoid that (patches are available upstream).
This situation prevents people on some distributions to use Accerciser
for increase or test accessibility.
As we're already too few people working on accessibility, having a
broken accessibility inspector make people tells me "how I make
Accerciser to work on OpenSuse?" and could abandoned to take care of
When looking at the Git repository I'm seeing people making patches and
updating translations.
At Hypra, we've adding the iPython 5 support on December 2017. As no one
from Hypra (especially Samuel Thibault) has not the permission to make a
release we need to rely on someone with the rights to do that.
@Joanie/jbicha and all: Could you help us to release a new version of
Accerciser ? I've not your experience on the GNOME Project to know how
we should proceed in such critical situation.
@javier: Do you have the time to continue to be Accerciser maintainer?
The last commit of you was on 2016-09-20.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list