
Ksamak, on Tue 15 Nov 2016 16:52:51 +0100, wrote:
> When caret is on a newline, it is quite hard to get the
> screen position of the newline caret, The function 
> atspi_text_get_character_extents
> is of no help, and returns 0,0 as coordinates when such offset is
> provided.

This looks like a bug to me.

> Another similar problem is when a text is empty, thereby no text
> offset is present.


> I know these behaviours are probably correct according to AT-SPI
> standard,

What makes you think that?

> but is it voluntary?

I don't think it is. Probably just nobody ever had the need for these to
be fixed.

> Is it possible to change any of that in the future, without impairing
> the other applications relying on at-spi?

My guess would be yes. I don't see how useful it'd be to get 0,0
coordinates while the caret is obviously not at 0,0.

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