I apologize we have most likelly missunderstood each other.
We both mean the same thing and still we are saying that we don't agree.
The fact accessibility support is moving forward on the gnome desktop is
a sure thing and none of us is about to change or supress that.
It is possible Mate developers did something in order to improve mate
desktop accessibility but when compared to the efforts of gnome
developers the amount of work being done is minimal.
Thanks and greetings
On 21.10.2014 at 12:15 Hadi Rezaee wrote:
Hello Peter
First, I don't think that improvements in Mate's accessibility is
"pure coincidence".
It's like that when gnome 3 released with a total re-hall, it was not
very accessible, but as it released new versions, It just became
better and better!
that's not pure coincidence, That's when our community actually pays
attention to that cirtain Desktop and as you mentioned, file bugs,
send feedback and more, Developers also care, and the Desktop will
improve in terms of accessibility.
So For example, When suddenly a lot of expert users just move into
Mate and do not care for gnome anymore, Improvements in accessibility
also slows down.
I'll start filing bugs to gnome After i've completed my project which
i'm working on right now. shouldn't take one or two weaks.
But yeah, Gnome is on latest technology. It already has finger
jestures, you can for example drag two fingers down in the screen
anywhere, and a cirtain events happen! It could remain accessible as
it also becomes more advanced, as long as users provide feedback. else
accessibility will decrease as gnome versions go upward.
On 10/21/2014 12:44 PM, Peter Vágner wrote:
I am afraid why the mate is becoming mostly accessible is just a pure
coincidence and it has a lot to do with the fact it's originally
based off of gnome 2.
All accessibility development has been happening at gnome throughout
the years. I don't think this is about to change anytime soon.
I am calling these guys and girls accessibility heroes for my-self.
What I think is they need a little more help from us visually
disabled community users.
We do already have some power users here such as me, Kyle, José,
Attila, Dave Hunt, Kendel Clark, Burd Henry, Alex Midence and some
others who might verry likelly be able to help with this to some
degree. Perhaps there are more people and I apologise if I have
forgotten to mention someone who might be qualified enough.
Of course the keypoint is we should start reporting bugs more
activelly with more concrete steps to reproduce for other packages
not limiting our-selves to orca. As we will notice other gnome
developers addressing our issues we can learn from them by studying
concrete code examples.
Additionally here are companies such as Rethat and Igalia. I don't
think we are likelly to receive possible help from other companies
not mentioning F123 and other not for profit organizations at this
point. However if you specifically need bughunters please try to
motivate people a bit. The fact we should be able to receive better
accessible enviromment in april is enough to get us try to do
something that may hopefully be helpfull.
If there is a way to guide us a bit we would likelly be able to help
more than just writing such theories like the one I am now
speculating about.
Along with other discussion message I have sent today it took me more
than a hour. If I add tryal and error with what I am describing it
took me several more hours. If instead I was able to fix several
accessibility related issues rather than speculating here trying to
make someone notice it I am really interested maybe the outcome would
be even a bit better.
So we currently have a first task to do guys until someone will bring
a better idea. Let's find the most anoying issue you can recognize on
the gnome bugtracker and try to think if someone of us has an idea on
how to fix it. If we will be there we can add other issues we can
identify and are not already tracked.
What do you guys think? Is someone happy about trying doing a bit to
try to improve this situation a little?
On 18.10.2014 at 05:24 Benjamin Moser wrote:
Maybe in the future we will get better accessibility out of the Mate
project than we are getting from the Gnome folks.
Man oh man! I hope SOMEBODY will keep things going in a positive
On 10/17/2014 04:52 AM, Hadi Rezaee wrote:
hi Peter
You brought of lots of great points. I totally agree with you about
the speed. gnome 3.14 has a boost on speed!
But i also agree with all the rest of your points. apparently,
nearly all gnome apps are not accessible or have broken keyboard
navigation otherwise.
On 10/16/2014 10:51 PM, Peter Vágner wrote:
I have just updated my arch linux to gnome 3.14.
I see it's slightly better in performance than earlier versions.
It can for example be immediatelly seen when using nautilus to
browse large directory trees e.g. my directory containing 365
subdirectories where each subdirectory is containing from 3 to 180
Unfortunatelly there are some things which I am worried of:
- Buttons on the GDM login screen are missing accessible
descriptions. This is an old issue reported after gnome 3.12 has
been released.
- New improved gnome-contacts are extremelly innefficient to
navigate with keyboard and I am afraid in terms of accessibility
verry little has improved.
- List in the gnome-documents is missing many important info in
the accessible name. Popup menus can't be activated via keyboard.
It is similar in layout to gnome contacts and is less usefull.
- Google docs should be now supported through online accounts
however I haven't found a way on how to share a file through
google docs.
- I haven't looked into gnome music, gnome maps, gitg, polari and
maybe some other new and rewamped apps however I am afraid
accessibility guidelines are not being taken into account while
developing these new modern gnome 3 apps.
We visually disabled people would love to also benefit from these
the same way sighted people do. In gnome 3.12 a lot of new GTK
widgets were invented with accessibility support and I feel gnome
3.14 is not continuing in this trend.
A lot of these modern apps are coded using vala. Is there a chance
we might try to promote gnome accessibility support inside vala
On 16.10.2014 at 18:35 Jonathan Nadeau wrote:
Awesome! Looking forward to the upgrade.
On 16/10/14 12:18, Hadi Rezaee wrote:
Hi guys
Arch extra repos are now updated their gnome to 3.14.
Manjaro unstable repos are also loaded with the latest gnome
Expect gnome on Manjaro stable in two weaks
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