
With this follow-up I'll try to describe ZoomText's current preferences
dialogs [2] and how they relate to the proposed preferences dialogs [1] for
the gnome magnifier.

As you can see in [2] the tracking preferences of ZoomText are split-up in
2 sections:

1. Tracking: here you check the classes of UI elements and the screen area
to be tracked.
2. Alignment: here you select how the UI elements are aligned in the
tracking area.

The alignment tab allows the user to set independent alignment preferences
for 3 classes of UI elements:
1. Mouse pointer
2. Text cursor
3. Control and menu item

Note that when the user decides to temporarily uncheck a class of UI
elements in the tracking section then the preferences for those UI elements
are preserved in the alignment section.

As you can see in [1] all proposed Gnome tracking preferences are placed in
the Zoom section. I'll discuss the proposed tracking preferences:

1. "Push with pointer", "Follow pointer" and "Keep pointer centered": this
intuitive UI design covers all supported alignment modes (centered, push
and proportional) [3].

2. "Keep keyboard focus in view" and "Keep text cursor in view": [3]
describes combined focus and caret tracking alignment modes (centered, push
and proportional). This UI design does not give the user the opportunity to
select an alignment mode. Furthermore, it suggests that caret and focus
tracking have separate preferences. That would be nice to have, but it is
inconsistent with the current specs in [3].

My advise is to add "Push with caret", "Follow caret" and "Keep caret
centered" to the Zoom dialog where the "Keep text cursor in view" checkbox
enables/disables the radio buttons.
Q: Can you relate the "Keep keyboard focus in view" to a gsettings key?

Kind regards,

[3] https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GnomeShell/Magnification
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