On 12/15/2013 10:10 PM, Troels Mæhl Folke wrote:
> Hi everybody
> When the screen magnifier is enabled, some events cause the region of
> interest to be moved (jump, actually). For instance, if a
> gnome-terminal window is active, and the user moves the ROI a bit
> (i.e. if it follows the cursor), and then press some keyboard buttons,
> giving gnome-terminal some keyboard input, then the ROI will jump back
> to the gnome-terminal window.

Yes this is called focus/caret tracking. It is a feature added on last

> Sometimes this ROI jumping also happens when clicking on tabs, etc. in
> windows, which is a bit annoying (must be a bug)

Not sure why that's a bug. Anyway, if you think that it is a bug, and
want to elaborate, you can create a new bug following this link:

(component magnifier)

> So, is there any way to disable this "auto-focus" feature?

We are still working on a UI to configure it (this is a know bug, and
hopefully will be solved on next stable release). But you can disable
tracking writing the following command on a terminal:

gsettings set 'org.gnome.desktop.a11y.magnifier' 'focus-tracking' none
gsettings set 'org.gnome.desktop.a11y.magnifier' 'caret-tracking' none


Alejandro Piñeiro

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