I would like to introduce you with a project I am wishing to realize,
which is developing a solution for people with
traumatic brain injury.
More accurately, I seek to provide a solution to people with —
hopefully temporary — locked-in syndrome and cognitive
troubles, and which are treated in specialized medicine units. So the
solution could take into account two user types:
the patients which are the main user, and the medical staff which can
help calibrate the solution to the patient specific
On the technical aspect, there two main point:
- acquiring input with specialized devices (eye tracking)
- providing a software environment which accompany the patient in its
cognitive progression
As it happens that I also would like to get involved in the GNOME
community, which is mindful of accessibiliy problems, I
thought it would be interesting to do this project within GNOME. For
now I have much documentation to read, but you may
want to point me to documents that you think would be particularly
relevant for this project.
Kind regards,
Association Culture-Libre
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