On 06/05/2013 10:18 AM, Christophe Strobbe wrote:
> Hi,
> Am Di, 4.06.2013, 22:13 schrieb Patti Ordóñez Rozo:
>> I am very interested in extending Dasher to include programming languages
>> to enable individuals with physical disabilities to efficiently use IDEs
>> such as Eclipse. Is this possible? If so, any pointers for where I should
>> begin looking?
> Even though Dasher is available under GPL version 2 and you can download
> the source code, it has not been released on a public project hosting site
> (GitHub, SourceForge and the like). 

Sorry, but I think that you are wrong. Dasher is currently hosted at
gnome git repository:


> That is not because the developers did
> not want to release it that way, but because many open source projects
> simply never receive contributions from outsiders except for translations.
> If you want to contribute to the code, I recommend that you contact David
> Mackay at the University of Cambridge. See
> <http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/dasher/Download.html> and
> <http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/mackay/Contact.html>.

You can also contribute with Dasher using gnome tools, for example,
there are a dasher component on gnome bugzilla:

Best regards

Alejandro Piñeiro Iglesias

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