Mario Fux <> wrote:
> This summer (end of September) we plan to do an Accessibility meeting in 
> Randa/Switzerland with people from both Gnome and KDE.

Excellent. Can the recognizer be trained or customized to meet the needs of
people whose speech may be affected by a disability, and which therefore falls
outside the range of what the tool is trained by default to process?

I don't know anything about the inner workings of speech recognition systems,
other than that they're based on statistical models and machine learning
algorithms. A free and open-source recognizer could be used by anybody as the
basis of a customization project, of course, whereas a proprietary system
probably couldn't (at least not in an open academic or research setting) since
the code is proprietary and likely to be available, if at all, only under
very restrictive non-disclosure terms.

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