----- Mensaje original -----
> De: Joseph Scheuhammer <cl...@alum.mit.edu>
> Para: gnome-accessibility-list@gnome.org
> CC: 
> Enviado: Martes 3 de abril de 2012 16:37
> Asunto: Re: GNOME Shell Magnifier Inverse (Negative) Feature
> Hi Robert, API,
> On 02-Apr-2012, Piñeiro wrote:
>>  On 03/30/2012 08:36 PM, Robert Cole wrote:
>>>  Hello, everyone.
>>  Hi Robert,
>>  Joseph is the best one to answer some of your questions, but meanwhile I
>>  will answer the others.
>>>  I have recently begun to exclusively use Fedora on my desktop system.
>>>  I am now running Fedora 16, and I was wondering if there is any way of
>>>  testing the inverse feature of the GNOME Shell Magnifier (if it has
>>>  yet been implemented)?
>>  Inverse was finished. But the sad news is that due some issues, was not
>>  finished in time to be included on GNOME 3.4, released during this week.
>>  But for sure it will be on 3.6, If you want to know the details, you can
>>  find the bug report here:
>>  https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=639851
> The delay is due to a question of which project the inversion code belongs to 
> -- 
> see the related bug report comment here:
> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=656156#c38.
>>  About if there is any way to test it, this is one of the questions for
>>  Joseph.
> I'm currently working on a patch for the latest nightly build of GNOME 
> Shell, and that should be completed sometime this week.  There has been other 
> interest in adding the inversion to a GNOME 3.4 demo machine, and I'll be 
> looking into that.  The main problem is (and this may not be the correct way 
> to 
> put it) is how to make an installer of all the bits and pieces.  I haven't 
> the slightest idea how to do that.  Anyone know how?
>>>  I ask this because I would heavily use the Negative plugin for Compiz.
>>>  I don't know why, but it is (and has always been) just so much 
> easier
>>>  for me to read when I have white text on a black background. It takes
>>>  me a much longer time to read text when it is normal (black text on a
>>>  white background).
>>  Well, you could try to use the high/inverse theme, that can be selected
>>  on the "Universal Access Settings" dialog.
> Using the high contrast/inverse theme will get you part of the way there.  
> However, that doesn't change how web pages are displayed.  I suspect it 
> doesn't change how email clients displays email either.  There is probably a 
> way to set font and background colour preferences within those apps.

As a side note, Evince has a simple built-in "inverse colors" option that you 
find in the view menu. This option can be added it to the toolbar and you have
a default keyboard shortcut/accelerator avalaible, "Ctrl + I" by default in 
English, that you can change. The inverse color option is "remembered" by
Evince in a document by document basis.


   -- Juanjo Marin
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