This may be of interest to the GNOME a11y community at large. The 
#ubuntu-accessibility channel is on freenode.

----- Forwarded message from Alan Bell <> -----

Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2011 17:57:42 +0000
From: Alan Bell <>
To: ubuntu-accessibility <>
Subject: Persona writing sprint this weekend 12th and 13th November

Hi all,

one of the actions from UDS was to crack on and get more of the
persona documents out, these help us to communicate the need for
accessibility considerations to be included in the design process. We
have already published Faisal (fine motor control, pain and color
blindness) and
Daniela (fully blind) and
we have outline plans for Simon (partially sighted), John (deaf) and
Henrietta (cognitive and memory issues)

I would like to propose we work together on the remaining personas we
want to cover, starting with Simon as the next one to publish. Simon
is visually impaired, but not completely blind, so will use a large
monitor with screen magnifiers and high contrast settings rather than
full time screen reader use. His vision might be getting worse over
time, so he might be learning to use Orca, and might like some more
audio cues from the desktop.

We are using the following page to collaboratively draft the text and will be chatting in the
#ubuntu-accessibility IRC channel. The personas are written to a rough
framework of topics which match the personas used internally at
Canonical by the design team, so we want to fit in with that, but
present some more interesting design challenges.

It would be great to get as many people involved as possible in the
drafting and editing process, particularly those with knowledge of
visual impairments. The personas should be accurate and informative,
and at least as important, they should be interesting and nice people.
I am not setting any particular time for working on this, but I
imagine there will be people online and active throughout the day for
Europe and USA


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