Hi Mats,

I'd like to give you a little update about what's going on within the
AEGIS project concerning AAC and graphic symbol support:
We now have a working prototype in second alpha stage of graphic symbol
support within Open/LibreOffice Writer, currently supporting English and
Swedish with Bliss and ARASAAC symbols, and with the ambition to have at
least basic support for Spanish and Dutch next spring. You can get a
glimpse of what we are up to in this presentation for a Nordic ISAAC
research seminar in June this year -
We hope to go more public with this very soon this autumn.
The technology beind this is what we call the Concept Coding Framework
(CCF). We now have a CCF HTTP server application (developed in Java)
that is providing the CCF Symbol Support extension for OO/LO Writer with
the needed lexicon and symbol look-up service. The CCF Symbol Server is
running locally for this desktop application, but we are already using
it online to serve an upcoming AAC app for Android mobile devices with
an extended vocabulary to allow local set-up of symbol selection charts
etc. This will be further presented at the AEGIS conference in Brussels
in late November - http://aegis-conference.eu/. Another opportunity to
discuss future advancements in this area will be the ICCHP 2012
conference in Linz July 11-13, where there is an AAC theme planned,
including a workshop about Content management in AAC: content
repositories and interoperability <http://www.icchp.org/node/347>.

Is is possible to have access to such alpha prototypes? I'm really looking forward to them.

Moreover, we will be working within AEGIS this autumn and winter with an
update of SAW (Special Access to Windows)
and WindowCatcher
<http://www.oatsoft.org/Software/windowcatcher/?searchterm=windowcatcher> to
make them compliant with current Windows versions, as well as with the
IAccessible 2 accessibility API (in addition to MSAA and UI Automation),
and to provide support in SAW for the CCF API for another level of
graphic symbol support, and hopefully some more enhancements.

This is good news indeed! I tough that SAW development was abandoned.

A special note on graphic symbol support in standard environments: In
OO/LO Writer - and in web environments - we are using the Ruby
Annotation format for alligning text and symbols. I would strongly
encourage full support for Ruby Annotation in IM too. This will bring
full support for Chinese and Japanese etc, as well as for graphic
symbols in general based on a wide-spread standard.
In Writer and ODF there is currently a limitation in the Ruby Annotation
implementation in that only plain text is allowed in the annotation part
of the Ruby (above the base text). This has forced us to convert our
Blissymbol and ARASAAC symbol libs to private area Unicode fonts to be
able to have them displayed in the Ruby Annotation - which is OK for
Bliss, but not so good for ARASAAC and other pictorials, as it will only
allow black and white but not colour graphics.

AFAIK the inclusion of for images in RA section is part of the standard and many modern browsers support it. So it might seem reasonable to ask OO/LO developers to support this feature.

We are of course very interested in keeping in touch with you about
further cooperation in this area. Our long term goal should be to move
towards a situation where multilingual and multi-modal lexicon resources
(including graphic symbol and sign language support etc) will be
generally and freely available in the standard ICT environments - for
those who need it as AAC (augmentative and alternative communication),
but also for language and literacy development in general. Only in this
way can we have a more inclusive environment for communication and
learning - including also people with cognitive difficulties - and
beneficial for all.
Let's keep in touch!
> Mats

I completely agree with you and we are also interested in improving the communication opportunities for those who need to rely on AAC, specially those with cognitive problems. How do you feel we could join efforts?



-----gnome-accessibility-list-boun...@gnome.org skrev: -----

    Till: meg ford <meg...@gmail.com>
    Från: Cesar Mauri <ce...@crea-si.com>
    Sänt av: gnome-accessibility-list-boun...@gnome.org
    Datum: 2011-10-14 14:38
    Kopia: gnome-accessibility-list@gnome.org
    Ärende: Re: Montreal Summit

    Hi Meg,

    El 13/10/2011 1:56, meg ford escribió:
    Thinking in people with language and communication disorders
     > (i.e. people not able to read/write due to cognitive/mental
     > disorders), it would be interesting to have a IM client able to
     > compose, send and display messages made up pictograms + text.
     > So, messages would look like this:
     > Also, it would be useful to add TTS support in order to hear
     > messages written in plain text (which could be also useful for
     > blind people).
     > There had been some efforts in that way:
     > http://www.fundmaresme.com/messengervisual/
     > I will bring this up with the IM developers when they meet, and tell
     > them that it was your suggestion. It sounds like a very promising
     > idea to me, and if there is interest, I will be willing to help with
     > it, as well. It could also be a useful tool for Sugar to have, so
     > that children who are learning to read could communicate easily.
     > but unfortunately only designed to work on an intranet and now
     > abandoned :-(
     > Furthermore, am I the author of a11y projects. If you have
     > interest I would provide further details.
     > Certainly! I will contact you and let you know what the IM
     > developers have to say.
     > I spoke to one of the developers of Telepathy about this, and here is
     > what he said:
     > Currently Telepathy does not support this type of feature. For
     > users cannot send emoticons that they have drawn themselves.
     > you would need to write a library for this. If you are willing to
     > a library, they would be happy to have this feature.
     > Secondly, they recommend that you write a seperate app for this
     > but use the Empathy contact list. They recommend that the feature be
     > accessed through the accessibility menu.
     > Lastly, if you would like to discuss this, please contact the
     > on the mailing list: telepa...@lists.freedesktop.org
     > <mailto:telepa...@lists.freedesktop.org>.
     > I hope that this is helpful. Please let me know if you have any
     > questions, and if you do begin work on this, I will be happy to be of
     > assistance if I can
     > Sincerely,
     > Meg Ford

    Thanks for this feedback and for your assistance offer, but now we're
    not in the position to start a new development front. Anyway I'll
    contact the developers mailing list to, a least, leave the request and
    ask whether the backends support this feature.



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