
I have one last question about High Contrast.

Jakub Steiner and Lapo Calamandrei have suggested that icons from the
Symbolic Icon theme be used in High Contrast (see Figures 8 and 9,
Symbolic icons are drawn in a simple, clear style, and are recolored
by a
theme engine so that they automatically match the text color on the
graphical user interface. Because the text color already contrasts with the
background color in the GUI, these icons are not outlined (note the
contrasting outlines in Figures 10 and 11,

The question I have is this: is the contrasting color enough for the
low-vision user, or do we need to maintain the outlines in the High Contrast

Joseph, I hope it is not abusing your good will to ask if you could run this
by your vision OT? Please let me know if this is an issue for you,and thanks
so much for your previous response.

Meg Ford
Womens Outreach Intern, Summer 2011

On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 9:31 AM, meg ford <meg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you, Joseph!
> On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 8:12 AM, Joseph Scheuhammer <cl...@alum.mit.edu>wrote:
>> Hi Meg,
>> You wrote:
>>> Joseph// Scheuhammer has agreed to show these drafts to the Occupational
>>> Therapist who works on site with him.
>> Here is what she had to say:
>>  The high contrast figures would work best for a low vision user. Figures
>>> 4 & 5 can be easily seen when the colour scheme of the display is altered
>>> (from inverted brightness, to yellow and black to black and white inverted).
>>> Figures 6 and 7 are not as clear when using various colour schemes. I do
>>> find figure 3 hard on the eyes, and when magnified at higher magnification,
>>> it’s hard to determine what the icon represents. Hope this helps.
>> --
>> ;;;;joseph
>> 'I had some dreams, they were clowns in my coffee. Clowns in my coffee.'
>>                     - C. Simon (misheard lyric) -
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