Dear Sir/Madam,

It gives us, at CDAC, Mumbai, immense pleasure to inform you that CDAC, Mumbai 
is organising two workshops titled “National Workshop on FOSS Desktop 
Accessibility” & 'National Workshop on FOSS Adoption in Education” during 
August 26-27, 2011 as a part of National Resource Centre for Free/Open Source 
software (NRCFOSS) – Phase II initiative. 

“National Workshop on FOSS Desktop Accessibility” on August 26, 211 will focus 
on exploring the current trends in the field of accessibility particularly in 
regard to FOSS. As you may be aware a large section of the society comprising 
people with different kinds of disabilities finds it difficult to use ICT in 
the same way as normal people do for fulfilling different purposes. It is very 
much required to provide such people with assistive technologies that make 
their interaction with computers more user-friendly and accessible. This 
workshop intends to work as a platform to encourage the use of FOSS tools and 
techniques in creating assistive technologies that are free-of-cost, available 
to all, easily maintainable etc. for such a large portion of population in 
country like India. The workshop will also like to leverage the experiences of 
all  stakeholders to identify and address the issues of those areas of 
accessibility that  are still untouched.

Similarly, “National Workshop on FOSS Adoption in Education”, on August 27, 
2011 is intended to explore the benefits, role, developments of technology, 
specifically FOSS, in education. FOSS provides softwares that are free of cost, 
easily maintainable, community support, customizability freedom,  etc. Various 
FOSS tools in education will be demonstrated in the workshop. The participants 
will also get to experience the work of C-DAC Mumbai in promoting 
technology/FOSS in education. The workshop will provide an opportunity to 
interact with participants from different organizations and industry 

The workshop will involve keynote and invited lectures by distinguished 
researchers and/or professionals. We take this opportunity to extend you an 
invitation for participation in the above said workshops. Looking forward to 
see you or your representative at the event.

Kindly use the following URLs to access more details about the workshops: 
1.National wrokshop on FOSS Desktop Accessibility:
2.National Workshop on FOSS Adoption in Education:

Thanking you,

Dr. M. Sasikumar
Director (R&D)

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