I've emailed the debian live lists. There should be an accessible installer.
The possibility is to make a sesktop with gnome3 only and then use
debootstrap copy- or is it bootstrap copy to make a copy of the
You could then make the installer from the live disk directly to the
Gnome shell isn't bad, I just couldn't find the system settings or
administration without using search.

On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 8:02 PM, Anthony Sales <tony.sa...@rncb.ac.uk>wrote:

> There should now be a few people from Vinux on the Gnome list - please let
> us know how we can help - although so far I have not been able to get Gnome
> 3 to work on any of my computers as a live CD - I have not tried to install
> it to hard drive yet though, which might allow me to install non-free video
> drivers and maybe then it will work. Once I am back in work I will be able
> to check the Gnome list everyday, but this isn't a list I generally visit at
> home as I am too busy with the vinux mailing list.
> ________________________________
> From: gnome-accessibility-list-boun...@gnome.org [
> gnome-accessibility-list-boun...@gnome.org] on behalf of Super Bisquit [
> superbisq...@gmail.com]
> Sent: 28 April 2011 18:10
> To: vinux-supp...@googlegroups.com; vinux-developm...@googlegroups.com;
> vinux-documentat...@googlegroups.com
> Cc: gnome-accessibility-list@gnome.org
> Subject: Fwd: Gnome3 and Vinux: Interaction is needed
> I'm merging this email into the vinux mailing lists.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Javier Hernández Antúnez <jhernan...@emergya.es<mailto:
> jhernan...@emergya.es>>
> Date: 2011/4/28
> Subject: Re: Gnome3 and Vinux: Interaction is needed
> To: Gnome Accessibility List <gnome-accessibility-list@gnome.org<mailto:
> gnome-accessibility-list@gnome.org>>
> Hi all!
> Note that I am moving desktop-devel-list into the BCC field and replacing
> it with the gnome-accessibility-list since the chief complaint here seems to
> be a testing tool created by our team for our team.
> On Wed, 2011-04-27 at 21:48 -0400, Super Bisquit wrote:
> > The testing CD is not easily accessible for the blind.
> This is a known issue I’m afraid. That is why we’ve included ‘accessible
> installer’ on our to-do list. Unfortunately, we just have not had the time
> to get to that yet. if someone from your community has expertise in writing
> accessible installers, we would love to have such a contribution. In the
> meantime, what I am planning on doing for the next spin of the distro is
> cause Orca to be launched automatically. People who do not need Orca can
> always quit it. :-) This should make the A11y Team’s testing tool more
> accessible to users. Would this address your immediate concerns?
> > Where? google groups: vinux users and developers.
> Alternatively, would it be possible for you to join us on #a11y channel in
> GimpNet and/or on the gnome-accessibility-list where we do our work and
> planning? We’re a small team working with a number of downstreams, and while
> we want to actively participate in each of those communities, it is not
> always practical.
> > You need their input, they need your applications, and both can help
> > out the other.
> Agreed! Let’s continue this discussion.
> Thanks!
> --
> Javier Hernández Antúnez
> <jhernan...@emergya.es<mailto:jhernan...@emergya.es>>
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