I'm looking for advice.

I have been unable to build a bootable USB based on the a11y testing distro at http://live.gnome.org/Accessibility/TestingDistro; specifically the #1 spin, "gnome3-a11y-1.0-i686.iso".

I can, however, make a bootable USB out of the "Made of Easy" iso at http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/GNOME:/Medias/images/iso/GNOME_3.i686-0.3.1-Build1.1.iso

I'm using the "image-usb-stick" image writer offered on the "Made of Easy" site. See the bottom of http://gnome3.org/tryit.html.

Any advice?

I'll add this to this week's a11y meeting agenda.


'I had some dreams, they were clowns in my coffee. Clowns in my coffee.'
                     - C. Simon (misheard lyric) -

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