Hi Louis,
At 05:43 6/12/2010, Louis Su�rez-Potts wrote:
Hi All,
If no one has objections, then I would like to
send out the draft below. I would really
appreciate it if you could add, however, some
more suggestions for papers to be presented at the DevRoom.
You could add:
* Accessibility in user interface toolkits (Qt, JavaScript UI libraries, ...)
* Accessibility support in developer tools
And, if you could suggest places to send this CfP?
Samuel Thibault's list looks good to me.
I will also forward the CfP to the AEGIS project.
Best regards,
Please keep in mind that this area is not my
forte and that I would really appreciate some
assistance and even for someone else to take this over...
I'll also send next a proposal for the committee
to review the proposals submitted.
On 2010-11-29, at 23:35 , Louis Su�rez-Potts wrote:
> List, Here is draft 2 of the CfP proposal for
the DevRoom. It includes constructive rewriting
by Peter K. Please, I am not by any means an
expert in this field and am asking those of you
here, on this list, who are experts, to lend
your hand in getting this going. I am happy to
help out when I can, but I lack the background
you have, both professionally and to this event.
> ** We also need to form a committee to review
the abstracts. I am not an expert in a11y. I
can usually judge something that's interesting
over something that is not, but for talks of
this sort, an expert is demanded. I therefore
ask that a committee of 3-5 be formed from this
and other relevant lists (?) for this purpose.**
> ** If you can participate in the committee,
please let me know—and others, too—by notifying this list.**
> Thanks
> Louis
> ---
> **Call for talks for the accessibility DevRoom at fosdem 2011**
> � http://fosdem.org � 6 February 2011, 09:00 to 17:00, Brussels, Belgium
> We will be holding an Accessibility DevRoom
at fosdem and are requesting abstracts for structured presentations now.
> Important information, dates:
> � Submission deadline for abstracts: 2010-12-31
> � Notification of accepted speakers: 2011-01-10
> � Final schedule: 2011-01-12
> � Get together: 2011-02-05
> **About this DevRoom**
> Designing software so that it is accessible
to and usable by people with disabilities has
been a significant theme in software user
interface development over the last few
decades. Recent national and supra-national
regulations, laws, and treaties - such as the
UN Convention on the Rights of People with
Disabilities - have only emphasized this
work. There have been numerous significant
accessibility achievements in Free/Libre and
Open Source Software. These include work in
accessibility frameworks and user interface
toolkits, in accessible applications, in
developer and authoring tools, and in the
development and use of assistive technologies by people with disabilities.
> The focus of this DevRoom is to both
demonstrate the breadth and scope of
accessibility technologies in open source
software, and to provide developers with the
opportunity to collaborate - across desktops
and applications and assistive technologies.
> We invite you to submit talks on these topics:
> � Inclusive design: state of the art
> � Specific problems in mobile devices
> � Document accessibility
> � Assistive Technologies & building blocks for same
> !!! List: Please suggest other topics you want included!!!
> ** Your submission must include:**
> * Your name
> * The title of your talk
> * A short abstract of one to two paragraphs (150 words, max.)
> * A short biography
> * Links to related websites/blogs etc.
> Presentations are to be formal and not longer
than 45 minutes, plus 15 extra for questions.
Panels with more than one speaker are possible,
as are shorter presentations of 20 minutes,
though the preference is for the longer format.
> The deadline for submissions is 31 December
2010. The proposals will be considered by
committee. If your proposal has been accepted,
you will be informed by email by 10 January 2011.
Christophe Strobbe
K.U.Leuven - Dept. of Electrical Engineering - SCD
Research Group on Document Architectures
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 bus 2442
B-3001 Leuven-Heverlee
tel: +32 16 32 85 51
Twitter: @RabelaisA11y
"Better products and services through end-user
empowerment" www.usem-net.eu - www.stand4all.eu
Please don't invite me to Facebook, Quechup or
other "social networks". You may have agreed to
their "privacy policy", but I haven't.
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