List, Here's a draft of the CfP I'd like to send out to the fosdem@ list as well as others you can suggest.
It needs your input: You need to suggest topics for the DevRoom. I have proposed two, but honestly, I trust the list members to come up with good ideas. :-) I do not know the day the DevRoom will be held on. I've asked Tias but it's rather early to hear back from him. As to the content and form: I "borrowed" from some other CfPs. Feel free to improve both. ** We also need to form a committee to review the abstracts. I am not an expert in a11y. I can usually judge something that's interesting over something that is not, but for talks of this sort, an expert is demanded. I therefore ask that a committee of 3-5 be formed from this and other relevant lists (?) for this purpose.** Thanks Louis --- **Call for talks for the accessibility DevRoom at fosdem 2011** – [DATE/TIME] Brussels, Belgium We will be holding an Accessibility DevRoom at fosdem and are requesting abstracts now. Important information, dates: • Submission deadline: 2010-12-31 • Notification of accepted speakers: 2011-01-10 • Final schedule: 2011-01-12 • Get together: 2011-02-05 **About this DevRoom** The relevance and importance of Accessibility in the design of software cannot be emphasized enough. Accessibility requirements have further been mandated by many national and sub-national governments. Its historical driver has been the post-hoc adaptation of software to accommodate those who are physiologically or cognitively challenged. But it is more accurately the philosophy and practice of design inclusiveness: Software and the devices it runs on designed for all users, regardless of body or cognition types. As such, it most obviously intersects with desktop and mobile devices and software. We hope this DevRoom will not only demonstrate the breadth of Accessibility technology but, more importantly, provide developers with the opportunity to freely collaborate. We invite you to submit talks on these topics: >>List: please suggest your favorites....Here are two but obviously, I would >>prefer it if you suggested a lot more. <<< • Inclusive design: state of the art • Specific problems in mobile devices Your submission must include: * Your name * The title of your talk * A short abstract of one to two paragraphs (150 words, max.) * A short biography * Links to related websites/blogs etc. The deadline for submissions is 31 December 2010. The proposals will be considered by committee. If your proposal has been accepted, you will be informed by email by 10 January 2011. _______________________________________________ gnome-accessibility-list mailing list