On Fri, 2010-09-24 at 13:03 -0600, Stormy Peters wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 10:58 AM, Bryen M. Yunashko
> <susero...@bryen.com> wrote:
>          The best thing
>         to do is leave your cash home and go straight to an ATM
>         machine.
>         Withdraw cash like you do back home.  
> I travel a lot and this is what I always do. I've only had trouble
> once.
> Note that I usually carry some US dollars as a backup. There's always
> some place to change cash at the airport in case the ATM machine there
> doesn't work with your card for some reason. Then you can find a more
> friendly ATM machine later.
> I haven't been to Seville but in general in Spain public
> transportation is really good and you don't need to rely on more
> expensive taxis. I'd be surprised if there wasn't a bus from the
> airport to the city.
> Stormy

That's a good point.  Best guestimate I heard for cab from SVQ airport
to hotel is 20 Euros.  But if someone can post alternative solutions,
bus route # , where to get off, etc.  That'd be great.

Also, one other thing:  Phones.  If you need your phone, check if it
takes a SIM card and you can get one in Europe.  Otherwise, like with
arrrrggh Verizion that doesn't do SIMs or a lot of global phones, you
can get a free global loaner phone.  Or you can just buy a cheap
disposable phone in Europe for the week.

BTW, I just heard in the channel that unlike the rest of Europe, Spain
*does* look kindly upon tips.  So TIP away!!!  :-)

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