From: Stormy Peters <>

> On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 9:38 AM, Heidi Ellis <> wrote:
>> One thing I'd like to do is to really "kick the tires" so to speak on
>> Caribou. To have students find all the rough edges and report bugs. And
>> then
>> fix some of them of course! :-) So I'm looking for direction as to how to
>> determine what the exact appearance and behavior of Caribou should be.
>> While I realize it would be a lot of work, if there isn't such a document,
> maybe the students could start it with their assumptions.

As far as I know, Caribou was developed by Ben Konrath taking into
account the global concept of a on-screen keyboard (ie: using others as
example, like GOK) , and mainly "feature-driven". As you can see in
the Caribou page [1], there aren't any kind of designs, and future
plans are just new features to include.

As far as I remember there were some mails on the gnome-accessibility
lists, and some comment on the weekly meetings about the fact that it
was required more input from the user point of view of Caribou and
other AT tools, with real analysis and input. Something that I know
that it would be hard to coordinate, I know.

So one option would be create a student analysis project, it is create
this missing documents. The purpose would be some kind of plan of
"what it is required from a on-screen keyboard", using the current
status of Caribou as the starting point, and evidently, solving the
current bugs.

But that just a quick idea, discard it if it is a no sense.



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