Any volunteers to do this on the A11y side?


-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Paul Cutler <>
Cc: marketing-list <>
Subject: It's Release Notes time!
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2010 13:23:48 -0500

Can you feel it in the air?  It's that time when we start writing
release notes to tell our users and developers what's coming in the next
GNOME release!

Thank you to the Anjuta team for adding some bullet points about what's
coming in GNOME 2.32.

Now I need YOUR help!

What new features does your application have?  What bug fixes?  What new
libraries have we deprecated for the GNOME 3.0 release next year? What
are the cool new things developers need to know about GNOME's
development platform to write awesome apps in GNOME 3.0? What's new in

This is the last (we promise!) release of the GNOME 2.x series - let's
document the release as best we can.

Add your news here:

Thanks in advance for the help!


PS - I've branched 2.32 in the release-notes module in GNOME git.

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